Arts de la Chine ancienne : expositions
Ancient Chinese Art : Exhibitions

Allemagne - Germany

21.IX.2010 - 23.I.2011

Museum fŸr Asiatische Kunst

ma-ve 10-18; sa-di 11-18

Menschen und Gštter. Figurenmalerei in China

Hommes et dieux. La peinture figurative en Chine

Hamburg - Hambourg

7.IX. - 31.XII.2010

Museum fŸr Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg

ma-di 11-18 (je 11-21)

Bilder aus der Zehnbambushalle

Images de la halle aux dix bambous

Kšln - Cologne

16.X.2010 - 20.II.2011

Museum fŸr Ostasiatische Kunst

ma-di 11-7

Der Perfekte Pinsel: Chinesische Malerei 1300-1900

Le pinceau parfait: la peinture chinoise de 1300 ˆ 1900


26.III.2010 >


ma-di 11-17

Gesichter des Buddha - Kunst des Buddhismus in Asien

Visages de Bouddha: l'art bouddhique en Asie

Australie - Australia

2010 -2011

Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery

lu-di 10-17

100 Pieces from the Wong's Collection

2.XII.2010 - 13.III.2011

Art Gallery of New South Wales

lu-di 10-17 (me 10-21)

The First Emperor - China's Entombed Warriors

Autriche - Austria

Belgique - Belgium

23.X.2009 - 7.II.2010

MusŽe du Cinquantenaire

ma-di 10-17

La route de la soie. Un voyage ˆ travers la vie et la mort

20.III.2009 - 24.X.2010

MusŽe du Cinquantenaire. MusŽe pour Aveugles

ma-di 10-17

La Chine des derniers empereurs. Entre faste et simplicitŽ

Edmonton (Alberta)

29.IV. - 8.V.2010

University of Alberta Museums

me-sa 12-17

Emblems of Empire: Selections from the Mactaggart Art Collection
Montreal (QuŽbec)

11.II. - 26.VI.2011

MusŽe des Beaux-Arts

ma 11-17; me-ve 11-21; sa-di 10-17

L'empereur guerrier de Chine et son armŽe de terre cuite
Toronto (Ontario)

VI.2010 - 2.I.2011

Royal Ontario Museum

lu-di 10-18 (ve 10-21.30)

L'empereur guerrier de Chine et son armŽe de terre cuite

The Warrior Emperor and China's Terracotta Army

Toronto (Ontario)

11.IX.2010 - 1.V.2011

Royal Ontario Museum

lu-di 10-18 (ve 10-21.30)

L'art de se divertir: jeux et jouets traditionnels de Chine

Playful Pursuits: Chinese Traditional Toys and Games

Victoria (British Columbia)

3.IX.2010 - 16.I.2011

Art Gallery of Greater Victoria

lu-di 10-17 (je 10-21)

Miniature Arts of China and Japan

Chine - China
Beijing - PŽkin

VI.2007 >

Capital Museum (Shoudi Bowuguan)

ma-di 9-17

Bronzes from Baoji (Shaanxi province)
Beijing - PŽkin

26.IX. - 31.XII.2010

Palace Museum. Yanxi gong

lu-di 8.30-17

Spendors from the Yongle (1403-1424) and Xuande (1426-1435) Reigns of China's Ming Dynasty
Beijing - PŽkin

3.IX. - 15.XI.2010

Palace Museum. Hall of Martial Valor Dynastic Painting and Calligraphy in the Palace Museum Collection
Beijing - PŽkin


Palace Museum. Yanxi gong Empress Dowager Cixi's Life in the Inner Court of the Qing Palace
Guangzhou - Canton

24.IX. - XII.2009

Nanyue Kingdom Palace

lu-di 9-17.30

World of Witches and Gods: Bronze Ware from Ancient Sichuan
Hong Kong

5.IX.2009 - 2.I. 2011

Art Museum of the Chinese University of Hong Kong

lu-di 10-17

The Bei Chang Tang Legacy: Gifts of Chinese Art
Hong Kong

20.XI.2010 - 17.VII. 2011

Art Museum of the Chinese University of Hong Kong

lu-di 10-17

Layered Beauty: The Baoyizhai Collection of Chinese Lacquer
Hong Kong

25.IX.2010 - 2.I.2011

Hong Kong Museum of Art

lu-di 10-18 (sa 10-20)

The Grandeur of Chinese Art Treasures: Min Chiu Society Golden Jubilee Exhibition
Hong Kong

24.XII.2010 - 1.V.2011

Hong Kong Museum of Art

lu-di 10-18 (sa 10-20)

Nobility and Virtue: A Selection of Late Ming and Early Qing Paintings and Calligraphies from the Chih Lo Lou Collection
Hong Kong

2010 - II.2011

Hong Kong Museum of Art

lu-di 10-18 (sa 10-20)

A Landscape Journey: Chinese Landscape Painting from the Xubaizhai Collection
Hong Kong

14.X.2009 - 28.II.2010

University Museum and Art Gallery

lu-sa 9.30-18; di 13.30-17.30

The Fame of Flame: Imperial Wares of the Jiajing and Wanli Periods
Macau - Macao

11.IX. - 21.XI.2010

Museu de Arte de Macau / Macao Museum of Art

ma-di 10-18.30

Clouded Moonlight: Jinling School Paintings of Late Ming & Early Qing Dynasties from Nanjing Museum
Macau - Macao

2.IV. - 30.IX.2010

Tea Cultural Museum - Casa Cultural de Cha

lu-di 9-19

Imprints of the Last Millenium - An Exhibition of the Ancient Tea-horse Road

Marcas do ultimo milenio - Exposiao da antiga rota equestre do ch‡

Espagne - Spain
Valencia - Valence

15.VII.2010 - 21.XI.2011

Museo de Prehistoria de Valncia

ma-di 10-20

Imatges per a la immortalitat en la dinastia Han. Colleccion Pedro Lorente

Images pour l'ŽternitŽ dans la dynastie Han

Finlande - Finland

29.IX.2010 - 9.I.2011

EMMA - Espoo Museum of Modern Art

ma-di 11-18 (me-je 11-20)

100% Silk - Story of Chinese Silk

100% soie - Histoire de la soie chinoise


26.VI. - 7.XI.2010

Ch‰teau des Ducs de Bretagne. MusŽe

ma-di 10-18

La Soie & le Canon: France-Chine (1700-1860)

13.VI. - 13.XII.2007

MusŽe Guimet. MusŽe national des arts asiatiques

me-lu 10-18

De l'Inde au Japon : 10 ans d'acquisitions au musŽe Guimet

Grande-Bretagne - United Kingdom

4.IX. - 12.XII.2009

Museum of East Asian Art

ma-sa 10-17; di 12-17

Chinese Ceramics and the Early Modern World


University of Cambridge Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology

ma-sa 10-16.30

The Zisha Ceramics of China

9.X. - 31.XII.2010

Museum of Croydon

lu-sa 11-17

Dragon Tales
London - Londres

5.XI.2010 - 12.II.2011

Asia House

lu-sa 10-18

The Tiger in Asian Art
London - Londres

14.X.2010 - 3.IV.2011

The British Museum

lu-di 10-17.30

Images and Sacred Texts. Buddhism across Asia
London - Londres

24.V.2008 - 25.X.2009

Horniman Museum

lu-di 10.30-17.30

China. Symbols in Silk
London - Londres

7.XII.2010 - 27.II.2011

Victoria & Albert Museum

lu-di 10-17.45 (ve 10-22)

Imperial Chinese Robes from the Forbidden City

22.V. - 5.IX.2010

York Art Gallery

lu-di 10-17

China: Journey to the East


15.VIII. - 31.X.2010

Honolulu Academy of Arts

ma-sa 10-16.30; di 13-17

Interior Landscapes: The Art of the Chinese Snuff Bottle

Hongrie - Hungary


R‡th Gyšrgy Mœzeum - Gyšrgy R‡th Museum

ma-di 10-18

Hamvas šszibarack Žs mohamed‡nkŽk : A kinai ker‡mia mŸvŽszete

Peach Blossom and Mohammedan Blue : Chinese Ceramics

Irlande - Eire

14.IX. - 25.X.2009

Chester Beatty Library

ma-ve 10-17; sa 11-17; di 13-17

Chinese Snuff Bottles

Italie - Italy
Milano - Milan

16.IV. - 5.IX.2010

Palazzo Reale

lu 14.30-19.30; ma-di 9.30-19.30 (je + sa 9.30-22.30)

I due Imperi. Capolavori dell'antica Cina e dell'Impero Romano a confronto
Les deux empires. Chefs-d'oeuvre de la Chine antique et de l'Empire romain: un face-ˆ-face
Treviso - TrŽvise

29.X.2011 - 13.V.2012

Casa dei Carraresi

ma-je 9-19; ve-di 9-20

Manciu, l'Ultimo Imperatore

Mantchou, le Dernier Empereur

Japon - Japan

5.X. - 28.XI.2010

Kyushu National Museum

ma-di 9.30-17

The Birth of Chinese Civilization (en japonais)

7.VIII. - 28.XI.2010

The Museum of Oriental Ceramics

lu-di 9.30-17

Mystery of Southern Song Guan Ware Ð Archaeological Findings from the Kiln Site at Laohudong, Hangzhou
Le mystre de la porcelaine Song Guan: trouvailles archŽologiques de la fabrique de Laohudong, Hangzhou

13.XI. - 23.XII.2010

Idemitsu Museum of Arts

lu-di 10-17 (ve 10-19)

The Tea Ceramic Road: Temmoku and Gosu-Akae
Tokyo - Minato

6.X. - 23.XII.2010

Matsuoka Museum of Art

ma-di 10-17

Porcelaines funŽraires de Chine


Tokyo National Museum

ma-di 9-17

Anciennes expositions

24.III.2010. - 3.IV.2011

Tokyo National Museum. Honkan

ma-di 9-17

The Path of Buddha

5.X. - 28.XI.2010

Tokyo National Museum. Honkan

ma-di 9-17

Chinese Lacquerware: Techniques and Designs

19.X. - 12.XII.2010

Tokyo National Museum. Honkan

ma-di 9-17

Masterworks of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy
Tokyo - Setagaya

25.IX. - 5.XII.2010

Seikado Bunko Art Museum

ma-di 10-16.30

Chefs-d'oeuvre de la cŽramique chinoise

Mexico - Mexique

Pays-Bas - Netherlands

Russie - Russia
Sankt Peterburg - St-PŽtersbourg

15.VI. - 23.IX.2007

MusŽe de l'Hermitage - Hermitage Museum

ma-sa 10.30-18; di 10.30-17

Treasures of Chinese Art from the Shanghai Museum
Sankt Peterburg - St-PŽtersbourg

16.X.2007 - 13.I.2008

MusŽe de l'Hermitage - Hermitage Museum

ma-sa 10.30-18; di 10.30-17

Return of Buddha. Masterpieces of Chinese Art from Chinese Museums

Singapour - Singapore
16.I. - 15.IV.2007 Asian Civilisations Museum

lu 13-17; ma-di 9-19 (ve 9-21)

Mystery Men : Finds from China's Lost Age
2007-2011 Lee Kong Chian Art Museum. National University of Singapore

lu-sa 10-17

Ways of Seeing Chinese Art. The Lee Kong Chian Collection

Sude - Sweden

18.VIII.2010 - 16.I.2011

…stasiatiska museet

ma 11-20; me-di 11-17

Kinas terrakottaarmŽ

China's Terracotta Army

L'armŽe de terre cuite de Chine

Suisse - Switzerland

3.XI.2010 - 6.III.2011

Fondation Baur. MusŽe des Arts d'Extrme-Orient

ma-di 14-18 (me 14-20)

Le Principe Monochrome: cŽramiques et laques chinois
The Monochrome Principle: Chinese lacquerware and ceramics

29.I. - 20.VI.2010

MusŽe d'Ethnographie

lu-di 10 - 17

Le regard de Kannon


8.X. - 26.XII.2010

National Palace Museum

lu-di 8.30-18.30 (sa 8.30-20.30)

Dynastic Renaissance: Art and Culture of the Southern Song

20.VI.2010 - 1.VIII.2011

National Palace Museum

lu-di 8.30-18.30 (sa 8.30-20.30)

An Assorted Tapestry of Lustrous Beauty: Export Porcelains from the Museum Collection


National Palace Museum

lu-di 8.30-18.30 (sa 8.30-20.30)

Ritual Cast in Brilliance: Chinese Bronzes Through the Ages

Berkeley (California)

16.VI.2010 - 24.IV.2011

Berkeley Art Museum

me-di 11-17 (je 11-19)

Himalayan Pilgrimage: Journey to the Land of Snows

4.IX.2010 - 27.II.2011

Museum of Fine Arts

sa-ma 10-16.45; me-ve 10-21.45

Chinese Master Paintings from the Collection
Cambridge (Massachusetts)

13.IX.2008 - 31.XII.2013

Arthur M. Sackler Museum. Harvard University Art Museums

lu-sa 10-17; di 13-17

Charlottesville (Virginia)

15.I. - 14.III.2010

University of Virginia Art Museum

ma-di 12-17

Treasures Rediscovered. Chinese Stone Sculpture from the Sackler Collections at Columbia University
Chicago (Illinois)

7.XI.2010 - 2.I.2011

The Art Institute of Chicago. Regenstein West

lu-ve 10.30-17 (je 10.30-20); sa-di 10-17

Ancient Chinese Bronzes from the Shouyang Studio: The Katherine and George Fan Collection
Dallas (Texas)

28.VIII.2010 - 12.VI.2011

Crow Collection of Asian Art

ma-di 10-17 (je 10-21)

Five Colors: Chinese Cloisonne Vessels on Loan from the Mandel Family Collection
Denver (Colorado)

> 31.I.2011

Denver Art Museum

ma-me 9-17; je 9-19; ve 9-20; sa-di 9-19

Shape & Spirit: Selections from the Lutz Bamboo Collection
Gainesville (Florida)

12.X. - 12.XII.2010

Samuel P. Harn Museum of Art

ma-ve 11-17; sa 10-17; di 13-17

Avenues of Exchange: Trade Ceramics from the Vining Collection
Houston (Texas)

27.VIII.2010 - 2.I.2011

Houston Museum of Natural Science

lu-sa 10-17; di 11-17

Uncover the Extraordinary Secrets of the Silk Road
Kalamazoo (Michigan)

28.VIII - 5.XII.2010

Kalamazoo Institute of Arts

ma-sa 10-17; di 12-17

Wondrous Ink: Selections from the Richard Fabian Collection
Kansas City ( Missouri)

14.VIII.2010 - 6.II.2011

Nelson-Atkins Museum

ma-di 10-17 (je-sa 10-21)

Cultivating Nature: Printmaking for Painting in 17th Century China
Lawrence (Kansas)

25.X.2008 - 2010

Spencer Museum of Art. University of Kansas

ma-sa 10-17 (je 10-21); di 12-17

Reviving the Past: Antiquity & Antiquarianism in East Asian Art
New York

28.IX.2010 - 2.I.2011

Metropolitan Museum of Art

ma-di 9.30-17.30 (ve-sa 9.30-21)

The World of Khubilai Khan: Chinese Art in the Yuan Dynasty
New York

21.VIII.2010 - 9.I.2011

Metropolitan Museum of Art

ma-di 9.30-17.30 (ve-sa 9.30-21)

The Yuan Revolution: Art and Dynastic Change
New York

27.II - 28.XI.2010

Metropolitan Museum of Art

ma-di 9.30-17.30 (ve-sa 9.30-21)

Celebration: The Birthday in Chinese Art
New York

23.VII.2010 - 1.I.2012

Rubin Museum of Art

lu + je 11-17; me 11-19; ve 11-22; sa-di 11-18

Gateway to Himalayan Art
New York

16.IX.2010 - 7.I.2011

Tibet House US Gallery

lu-va 12-17

The Buddha Image: Out of Uddiyana
Princeton (New Jersey)

9.VI.2010 - 31.I.2011

Princeton University Art Museum

ma-sa 10-17; di 13-17

Nature Unbound: Flora and Fauna in Chinese, Japanese, and Korean Art
Princeton (New Jersey)

25.IX.2010 - 9.I.2011

Princeton University Art Museum

ma-sa 10-17; di 13-17

Green, Amber, Cream: Forgotten Art of a Ceramic Workshop in Shanxi, China
Salem (Massachusetts)

14.IX.2010 - 9.I.2011

Peabody Essex Museum

lu-di 10-17

The Emperor's Private Paradise. Treasures from the Forbidden City
Salem (Massachusetts)

11.III.2009 >

Peabody Essex Museum

lu-di 10-17

Perfect Imbalance, Exploring Chinese Aesthetics
Salt Lake City (Utah)

7.X.2010 - 9.I.2011

Utah Museum of Fine Arts

ma-ve 10-17 (me 10-20) ; sa-di 11-17

The Ideal Landscape
San Diego (California)

31.VII.2010 >

San Diego Chinese Historical Museum

ma-sa 10.30-16; di 12-16

The Elite & Popular Culture of Old China
Santa Ana (California)


Bowers Museum

ma-di 10-16

Ancient Arts of China: A 5000 Year Legacy
San Francisco (California)

5.X.2010 - 13.III.2011

Asian Art Museum

ma-di 10-17 (je 10-21)

Collector's Choice, Collector's Voice
Seattle (Washington)


Seattle Asian Art Museum

me-di 10-17 (je 10-21)

Chinese Art: A Seattle Perspective
Seattle (Washington)


Seattle Asian Art Museum

me-di 10-17 (je 10-21)

Live Long and Prosper: Auspicious Motifs in East Asian Art
Washington D.C.

12.VII - 28.XI.2010

Freer Gallery of Art. Smithsonian Institution

lu-di 10-17.30

Masterpieces of Chinese Painting
Washington D.C.

20.XI.2010 >

Freer Gallery of Art. Smithsonian Institution

lu-di 10-17.30

Ancient Chinese Jades and Bronzes
Washington D.C.

26.II. - 31.VII.2011

Arthur M. Sackler Gallery. Smithsonian Institution

lu-di 10-17.30

Echoes of the Past: The Buddhist Cave Temples of Xiangtangshan
West Palm Beach (Florida)

21.VIII. - 21.XI.2010

Norton Museum of Art

ma-sa 10-17; di 13-17

On the Silk Road and High Seas: Chinese Ceramics, Culture and Commerce
Wooster (Ohio)

31.VIII. - 5.XII.2010

College of Wooster Art Museum

ma-ve 10.30-16.30; sa-di 13-17

Chinese and Japanese Calligraphy and Painting


Dernire mise ˆ jour : 14 novembre 2010

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